Why Tradespay?

We offer a solution for CIS registered sub-contractors.  We enable self-employed sub-contractors working within the UK Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) to make the most of their earnings, whilst removing the hassles of running their own limited companies and worrying about CIS compliance issues.  We have over 60 years experience in administrating and managing tax efficient solutions for Contractors.

CIS Deducted at Source

Have your CIS tax deducted at source, at the level advised by HMRC

NI Contributions

Make full use of your self-employed status to reduce your NI contributions


Claim your work related expenses

Simplified Payroll

Work with a number of clients but don't want the hassle of liaising with many payroll departments and having your salary subject to emergency tax.

Get in Touch

Get in Touch

Fill in your details and one of the specialists will give you a call, and talk you through our products to find you the right solution.